For more than half my life I struggled with the sin of fornication. As I am a single mother with 5 children, I had all my children out of wedlock. On my walk with Christ I had to pray and pray and pray for my spirit to fight and constantly win the battle against my flesh. I would go 3 months of celibacy and it felt like I was craving sex like when a drug addict is in rehab. My thoughts became impure to do masturbation, but as I read in the scriptures: Romans 6 V11-14, 2 CORINTHIANS 7:1, HEBREWS 13:4, these words and the Holy Spirit helped me to get through this stage. (John 15:7). At my 6 month point of celibacy I thought why don’t I just settle and lower my standards for someone who wants a relationship with me, but the devil is a liar; I know my worth I know what I can offer to my husband, I know I am a Proverbs 31 wife. (1 peter 2:9). At 9 months of celibacy I felt I wanted something to relieve me from my stress, of daily frustration of work and exhaustion of taking care of my children all by myself. But again what got me through this was prayers and scriptures I knew God will fulfill his promises to me at the right time; Hebrews 10 v35-36,ecclesiates 4 v 9-12, Jeremiah 17 :10, Corinthians 2:9, Isaiah 61:7, Psalm 28:6. As I made it past 12 months I knew I won the victory because it is now at age 36 I have been celibate for over a year and ongoing. It took God’s help, a lot of prayers, rebuking demons of sexual perversion and self discipline to overcome this sin.