“ Allow me to ignite that spark, the power that is within you to rise above any situation or struggle & transform into the brightest, strongest version of you.”



Where it all began…

Farrah Hodgson, Daughter of a King, was born in Spanish Town, Jamaica and moved with her mother to Toronto, Canada at the age of 8 to start a new life. Farrah is a successful entrepreneur and author of now 6 published books. She is recognized by her community for winning the “2016 Woman on Fire Single Mother Award”. This is one of Farrah’s greatest achievements as she is considered to be an inspirational and loving Super Mom. In 2017, Farrah was celebrated as one of “100 Black Women to Watch in Canada” at the Canadian-International Black Women Event Gala. Ms. Hodgson is active in her church and has a love for serving the Lord. Her walk with Christ has been instrumental in sculpting her into the strong woman of God that she is today.


My Mission

Farrah Hodgson is a Powerhouse of inspiration with a vision to empower women to overcome their struggles with anything that is keeping them from walking in their God-given purpose and will for their lives. Aside from being a mother of 5, Farrah also works as a Publisher, Mentor, Life Coach, andMotivational Speaker for women of all ages. As the Author of 6 published books, Farrah is able to help other women share their testimonies and take their writing to the next level by publishing and using their book as a platform to venture into other opportunities. Using her God-given gift as an Author, she cultivates women's stories of inspiration to be shared to women of all ages globally. Through her businesses, Farrah has built opportunities for women that do not easily have access or resources because of their busy schedules of being mothers, scholars, full-time workers and business owners.She is the founder of Daughter of the King Publishing, an Orlando-based Indie Publishing company that offers authors options for print-on-demand publishing, e-publishing, coaching, and marketing strategies for their written works. Farrah has used her talents and her personal faith to build a community of real, driven, women that encourage one another to pursue their purpose.